Jezabelle is beat. I know it. You know it. She even knows it. What do beat pigs do when they're low on self esteem? You guessed it... porn. Typically, these whores get praised by degenerates far and wide, made to feel good about their decision to blow strangers and take loads to the face. However, we are all about the realism. When a woman comes to us feeling like dirt, we reinforce the fact that they are dirt and will never be more than dirt. Jezabelle learned this today... the hard way. Pauly pumped his big white cock down her throat. She's actually pretty good at taking big dick. It's obvious she's had practice. From what she told us, her practice started early. It's a shame... but that's life. She was dealt a shitty hand and instead of turning it around, she decided to plummet deeper into this dark world. My guess, we'll never hear about her again. Watch the video. Witness her shame. Look into her dead inside eyes. This a cautionary tale. Learn from it...
See The Full Jezabelle Ghetto Gaggers Video